ISSCH RW14-15 Heljuheims Fenrir aka Zorro top winning schnauzer year 2015 in Iceland. Big thanks to his handler Jóhanna and owner Anna
Had a fantastic time and awesome results.
Heljuheims Freki - Excellent, CK, 1 place, BM3 and CAC! Heljuheims Muninn - Excellent, CK, 2 place, BM2 and R-CACIB (will be full CACIB) Heljuheims Fenrir - Excellent, CK, 1 place, BM1, CACIB and BOB! Mir-Jan's Campari - Excellent, CK, 1 place, BF1, CACIB and BOS! Mir-Jan´s Campari and Heljuheims Muninn - Best brace and honorprize and BIS3 Brace. Mir-Jan´s Campari Progeny group - Honour prize and BIS2 Heljuheims Breeders group - Honour prize Mir-Jan´s Campari - Röskva finished Tracking 1 this evening.
The track was 300 meters long with 3x90°turns and 3 objects. She got 90 points (out of 100) and 1 place. This past weekend we had a double show. Here are the show results.
Saturday - RW15 Heljuheims Fenrir – Excellent, 1 place, HP, BM-1, BOB, TH-2 and Reykjavik Winner 2015 Heljuheims Muninn – Excellent, 1 place, HP, BM-2, CAC Heljuheims Herja – Excellent, 1 place, HP, BF-1, CAC, BOS, Reykjavik Winner 2015 and now ISsCH! Heljuheims breeders group BOB and BIS4. Sunday - Heljuheims Muninn with cac, CACIB and BOB now Icelandic show champion. Heljuheims Fenrir -exellent, ck, bm2 Heljuheims Herja -excellent. Heljuheims bredders group - Excellent and honor prize Bósi er kominn með heimili. Við þökkum öllum þeim sem sýndu Bósa áhuga.
Bósi er 2½ geldur risaschnauzer rakki sem leitar að nýju heimili. Bósi er vanur börnum og öðrum hundum (stórum og smáum) og semur vel við flesta.
Allar frekar upplýsingar gefur Ragnhildur í e-mail [email protected] eða í síma 8651945 Kynnið ykkur tegundina vel. Heljuheims Geri - Þjálfi, finished his first working test the other day. Finishing Obedience Bronze with 105 points. Really proud of my big boy.
First show of the year over and I had a fantastic time!
Here are the results. Giants: Breed judge - Hassi Assenmacher-Feyel (Germany) ISsch Heljuheims Fenrir - Excellent, 1 place, HP, BM1, CACBI, BOB and went BIG 3!! And also got his C.I.E title this weekend Heljuheims Geri - Excellent, 1 place, HP, CC and BM2 Heljuheims Muninn- Excellent, 2 place, HP and BM3 We were BOB breeders group Miniatures: Made in Iceland Odinn - BOB puppy Made in Iceland Thelma - Excellent, 1 place, HP, BF2 and R-CACIB Made in Iceland Barney - Excellent, 1 place, HP, BM2 and R-CACIB Svartskeggs The One and Only - Excellent, 1 place, HP, Bm2 and R-CACIB Griffon Belge: Svartskeggs V.I.P - Excellent, 1 place, HP, BM1, CAC, CACIB and BOB and now C.I.B Big thanks to my owners, handlers and friends trusting my with there dogs 2014 was a very show good year for us. But we are planing on have 2015 more of a working year. To sum up the year 2014.. here are some of the highlights. BEST IN SHOW Progeny group Best in show 4 Progeny group 2x Best in show 3 Breeders group Best in show 4 Breeders group Svartskeggs Black Pearl BOB veteran 5x and BIS Specialty Veteran BIS Brace 4 place with Svartskeggs Black Peal and Heljuheims Geri Heljuheims Fenrir BIS Specialty and ISsCH |