Activities with our dogs.I just love doing all kind of things with my dogs. I handle the Giants at shows (also other dogs) and I do Obedience with them all and I track with Röskva.
And when we are in the mood we also go cani-crossing, bikejoring and carting. Shows Work Lesefni um vinnu og sýningar - in Icelandic The TestsTracking 1 = 300meter long, 2 90° turn, 2x wood objects and 1x end object.
Obedience Bronze = Looking at teeth, Heel on leash, Heel off Leash, Down stay, Recall from Sit, Stand stay, Long stay (2 min.) and then Overall. Obedience 1= Looking at teeth, Long stay in a group (2 min.), Heel on leash, Heel off Leash, Down stay, Recall from Sit, Stand stay, jump over hurdle and then Overall. |